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SmartCardia 7L Patch
Astrid Verkaik en Sven van Dun oprichters FutureMedics


Zakelijke portretfoto's van de oprichters Astrid Verkaik en Sven van Dun mogen maken. Alsmede een productfoto van de revolutionaire SmartCardia 7L Patch!

SmartCardia 7L Patch 

Redefine healthcare through advanced artificial intelligence solutions. 
Excellent accuracy in detecting cardiac arrhythmias, thanks to seven ECG leads – excellent P-wave, QRS beat morphology and ultra-low noise ECG.

Live Monitoring

All 7 ECG leads are transmitted in near real-time to the cloud, along with the vitals measured for 7/14 days. The data is available in real time on secure cloud for immediate action by hospital staff and clinicians.


At FutureMedics AG, our mission is to redefine healthcare through advanced artificial intelligence solutions. We strive to increase patient comfort, enhance clinical outcomes, and reduce hospital costs by replacing outdated technologies with our innovative heart monitoring device. By providing real-time, accurate data, we aim to ensure early detection and intervention for heart-related conditions, thereby potentially saving lives. Our commitment extends to not only delivering best-in-class technology, but also fostering partnerships that prioritize the health and wellbeing of patients over mere sales objectives.
website FutureMedics

"Herdefinieer de gezondheidszorg via geavanceerde kunstmatige intelligentie-oplossingen"

Astrid Verkaik